Matthew William Beard - Online Memorial Website

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Matthew Beard
Born in Pennsylvania
21 years
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Kim Campbell So Proud April 6, 2008


I know you know you have so much to be proud of with Matthew, but I just had to say so anyway.  He has done so many amazing things. Some of his quotes I want to live by. You have done a wonderful job with this website. What a tribute to Matthew! Thank-you for sharing with us.

I love you and pray for you sweetie.

Kim C.

Cindi Just me April 6, 2008
There are no words to say that'll comfort you or give you peace in your soul. I do want to say I know Matt's proud of you and I can just picture him being in awe of your newfound computer skills. Remember back when you had to ask him how to do the basics? And now look, what a beautiful site you've created out of your love for him. Thanks for giving us a place to visit.

Andrew McDonald Hope Everything's Well April 3, 2008

I was one of Matt's roommates in the Rotary House. It is great to know that Matt has a mother like you that would fight in his honor. Although I have been involved in my life I have not and will not ever forget Matt's. I am lucky to have known him while he was here and know he's doing well. I wish blessings upon Matt's family, friends, and anyone else that knew him and to Matt: I love you man.

Andrew McDonald
Ruth Love & pride April 3, 2008


You amaze me with how you created this incredibly beautiful website for Matt!  The music you picked is perfect and heart-wrenching at the same time!  The pictures, poems and stories certainly do celebrate Matt's short and extraordinary life and I laughed and cried with each page.

I know that Matt is with you at all times, even now, and has given you the strength to get though this.  I am so proud of you and know that Matt is too! 

I love you!

Karen A. Smith Condolences March 29, 2008


I am so sorry to read about your Matthew. I know this is so hard and I believe nothing you get over. We  Not only lost our  Matthew and his friend in November in a tragic auto accident. My prayers are with you and if you just need to talk I would be glad to listen. I am sending you my email and phone number may God Bless you. I know that there is nothing I can say or do to bring him back . Karen Aunt of Angels ^i^..^i^..Matthew and Justin.


Janice Jacky's mom March 24, 2008
Thank you, Connie.  I see how Matt came to be so special.  He has you for a mother.
Janice Jacky's mom March 22, 2008

What a beautiful tribute to your son!  And what a proud mother that you must be at his accomplishments.  I am SO sorry that he was your only child, and that he died the way that he did.


I'm sad that he died as your only child, because, like you, I figure in the "grandmother" factor.  I have ONE grandchild by my daughter that I watch like a hawk.  The doctors have warned her (my daughter) not to have more, so....I cling tight to that bit of life'line left.  What greater gifts given to us beyond our children?  Grand'children.


As for my precious Jacky, my only precious son.  What can I say?  There is no beginning or ending of understanding.  WHY???


Why?  Why him?  Why the good ones, the moral ones, the dedicated ones>>the ones dedicated to living life "real"?  (His words).


It was first reported that he was hit by a drunk driver.  Now, I don't think that the very young man was so much drunk, rather than under the influence of something more critical combined with the effect of alcohol, else why would he be charged with first degree homicide?


He was third most wanted in Mississippi for cocaine sales and distribution.  He refused breath test at the scene.  I guess it will all come out at the trial.


Regardless, the deaths left behind such immoral and mindless people that think that they can scoot down the road under the influence of SOMETHING without harming SOMEONE...makes me soooo MAD.


Which is why I understand the group, MADD, mother's against drunk drivers...

Beverly(Harley Walls Mom) Light of your Love March 12, 2008
Susan Fisher so sorry March 10, 2008


I dont know you or Matthew, i just stumbled upon this site and read your beautiful story about your beautiful boy. All I can give you are my thoughts and my prayers that you will be okay. You really captured his goodness in your words and description of him. I wish I knew him. Bless his heart, and yours too.

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